Navigating the University of Adversity


Would you believe the university I’m attending right now has a robot that retrieves your books?  That’s right, there are millions of books and it has the ability to pick an individual book from a box filled with hundreds of titles.  All you do is tell the Librarian which titles you’re looking for and the rest is history.  Sometimes I wish it was that easy to answer some of life’s big questions, don’t you?

One of the biggest questions people really struggle with is their purpose.  We sometimes wonder, why am I here?  If that’s you lately, I want you to know you’re not alone.  There are a lot of people asking that same question right now- married people, employees, church members, leaders, investors.

But why you’re here isn’t the real issue. The real issue is what you’re doing while you’re here. You can use this time to grow or postpone any resemblance of joy until a  future date.  The choice is yours.

While you’re at it, remember, the same one who brought you here, God, didn’t leave you here so that you would be miserable! He has a purpose for you. Sure, it would be nice if we always knew what that purpose was at all times, but to be quite honest, we don’t.  However, sometimes just knowing you’re here for a purpose makes all the difference in the world, even if you’re unclear at times about what that purpose is.

If you’re struggling with your purpose right now, try this exercise.  Look back on your own life, especially at some of the darkest chapters.  Most likely, you’ll see that although you didn’t always know what your purpose was, you learned some of your greatest lessons during those seasons when you felt like you were in the dark.

Let me start. I worked construction in the summer during college in the early nineties. It was great. The weather was usually wonderful. I had a good tan, was fit, traveled, learned a lot, and was even able to save a little money toward tuition.

Then after college, when I couldn’t find a job, I went back to work construction. There I was introduced to working outside, winter, spring, summer and fall. Spring and summer weren’t so bad, but you know what comes after fall. Sometimes we worked in below freezing weather. There were days when I ran a 95 pound Jack Hammer for eight hours straight! You get the picture. If you were to ask me what Hell was at the time, I thought I could paint you a pretty good picture. The worse part was coming into a heated house at night and having your body’s thermostat go haywire.

However, while those were some dark, trying times, I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I’ve been to a couple of schools, but the University of Adversity taught me some of life’s greatest lessons. There I learned the world isn’t always a nice place. There I learned people will sometimes do everything they can to see you fail. There I learned that life sometimes means hard work and stickability.  But, I also learned a few more important lessons.

1. TAKE TIME TO REFLECT.  Looking back now, God knew I would have a house of my own and vehicles to maintain and now I can fix or build just about anything. I can’t tell you how many thousands of dollars I’ve saved over the years. There’s also the pride and confidence that comes with doing a job well. I also learned to work with difficult people and came to love those who work hard day in and day out to make a living.  Think back on some of the difficult seasons you’ve faced and ponder the good that came from them.

2. TRUST GOD TO USE THIS FOR GOOD. God uses everything for good in the life of a believer, so why are you wondering why you’re still here? Romans 8:28 says, “we know all things work together for good, to them who are the called according to his purpose!” Whatever you’re going through, you can be sure God is going to use it for good.

3. REJOICE! Just think, God could have picked anyone, but he chose you to be right where you are at this very hour. He could have given them to someone else, but God entrusted his children to you at this time and place in history. At the end of the day, you’re not on trial….your faith is! James 1:2-3 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

4. LEVERAGE THIS SEASON. Ecc. 3:1-2 says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” As farmers in God’s industry, diligence is never an option.  Leverage the opportunities you have now, until the ones you want are ready for harvest!

You know, even though I learned a lot of great things in the School of Adversity, I feel like I dropped out rather than graduated.  Rather than passing my Final Exams with flying colors, I kind of crashed and burned and just ended up getting better with the passing of time.  Looking back now, it could have been a truly positive experience if I had only maintained the right attitude and had a little more faith.  I would have hurt far fewer people than I actually did and would be able to look back on those days with much fonder memories.  How about you?

Regardless of what you’re going through right now, why not encourage someone who’s going through a tough season right now? It doesn’t matter how happy or successful people appear to be, we’re all fighting a battle nobody else can see. If you look at the top of this post, there are convenient ‘share buttons’.  I’m sure someone is just waiting for a post like this to help them.  Why not help a fellow student in the University of Adversity?


Something I Learned While Running


One day last Summer, the point where I turned for home was quickly approaching while jogging the bike path.  However, on this particular day I decided to keep running straight past my turn.  In fact, mentally I decided I was going to run twice as far today.  That’s when it happened.

Immediately, my mind was inundated with thoughts.  Things like, “You have to turn for home, you can’t do it!….”If you keep going, you’ll have to run twice as far than you normally do….”You hurt, there must be something wrong.”  You get the idea.  My body was telling me, don’t do it!

A wonderful lesson began to unfold.  I kept running, straight, past my turning point for home.  Farther away from my destination.  And as I did, guess what happened?  It wasn’t any more difficult than my normal routine.  In fact, I felt twice as good when I ran down the homestretch and crossed the finish line at my driveway.  When all was said and done, I’d ran TWICE as far as my normal routine.  How is that possible?

This is what happened.   When my body began to tell me I couldn’t, something greater began to tell me I could!  Up until that turning point, I’d always listened to my body, but amazing transformations take place when we stop listening to ourselves, and start talking!

I’d like to report that I do respond that way everytime a similar scenario plays out, but sadly, I don’t.  How about you?

What’s the impossible thing you’re facing right now?  What self-limiting beliefs are holding you back?

Is it a lack of confidence?  Finances? Family?  An employer?  What is it?  Maybe it’s time to stop listening and start talking to yourself.  It’s a silly illustration, but one you’ll remember- are you the little engine that can or the little engine that can’t?

The apostle Paul said it this way,”…work out your own salvation…for it is God who works in you…” —Philippians 2:12-13.  It’s not our wills that give us a problem, it’s something smaller than that.  How do I know? Because there is something far greater, working in us, namely God!  As Christians, we want to do God’s will.  We have the power in us, Paul says, we just have to work it out.  God is already doing a perfect job working in you.  Do your part, by using dynamite….that dynamite is obedience to his will.

Lets face it, our bodies lie to us!  They have a mind of their own.  They are like the animal who doesn’t want to work.  They lie and connive.  They cheat and rob us of all that God has for us.  They prefer the path of least resistance.  The only way to master them is to stop listening to them and start talking to them.

This isn’t a ‘no pain, no gain’ post.  Instead it’s an invitation to tune into your greater self and tune out everything that’s telling you it can’t be done, whatever ‘it’ is for you right now.  Chances are there is opposition because what you’re trying to do needs to be done and you’re the only one who can do it!

Just think, you were born at just the right time to be in the position to face the particular challenge you’re facing right now.  So lean into it with faith and stop listening to the opposition.  When you do, you may be surprised to find you’re capable of accomplishing twice as much as you think you can.





A Powerful Combination that Will Boost Your Impact


Nearly twenty eight years ago, this summer, I was nearly killed in a motorcycle accident.  Here’s the thought that occurred to me at the time and here’s what I’ve learned since.

I was getting onto the Northway at Exit 9 in Clifton Park, heading south.  Being seventeen years old, I was traveling along at a pretty good clip.  Getting ready to merge with traffic, I looked over my left shoulder and got ready to duck in behind a dually pick-up.  The problem was I didn’t see it was towing a pop-up camper. OUCH!  Yep, I hit the road doing around 70 m.p.h….wearing shorts, sneakers, and a helmet.  BTW, I only chose the picture to the left because I loved it.  It actually has nothing to do with the post as far as I know.  🙂

When my world finally stopped spinning and sliding, I had some major road rash in the form of third degree burns.  But up until that point, I’ll always remember the thought I had as my whole life up until that point flashed before my eyes!  What I remember clearly thinking is this….I wish I’d told more people how much I loved them.

I write this today, celebrating my 45th Birthday.  Although all this time has passed, it’s something I’m still working on.  Since then, I’ve learned there is something even more important than telling people you love them.  You need to tell and show them.

You learned about the concept of Show and Tell in Kindergarten.  Whoever thought of this idea was a genius!  For the uninitiated, education actually took place before Common Core.  You brought an object to school and stood before the class.  Then, you showed the object to your class mates and talked about it.  It was a wonderful concept.  However, as we all got older, somewhere along the way we started depending on our powers of explanation and stopped demonstrating.

How about you?  Life is short, and the last thing people will remember you for is the house you lived in or your salary?  What they’ll remember most about you is how much you loved them.  So, are the people you truly care for hearing you love them or are they also seeing it?  Are you SHOWING and TELLING?  Someone once said, “Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining!”

The thing about love is it doesn’t always feel good.  It’s not always fun doing the dishes at 10:00 at night after you’ve worked all day.  There are things you’d rather be doing.  That being said, love is not always convenient.  But unless you go through the pains of showing people how much you love them, you’re words will only take you so far.  People eventually get very frustrated and discouraged when there is a proclamation of love and no demonstration.  SHOW and TELL.

When it comes to the gospel, there are some people today who believe we should show and not tell.  Others are very good at not showing, but telling.  Miracles occur when we SHOW and TELL.

Love will cost you more than breath, it will cost you time, energy, money, strength and more.  Why?  Because love is more than words, it’s a demonstration.  In the words of a wise mentor, “People can’t see our hearts.”  God, for example, didn’t just say “I love you!”, he showed his love.  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but everlasting life.”  God displayed his love on the cross for all the world to see, and his love has been transforming people for centuries.

I don’t know about you, but I’m glad I’ve been given a second chance to show the world God’s love.  Up until that point, all I knew about love was that it gave you the warm fuzzies.  Several years later I came to know love on a much deeper level when he came into my life in the person of Jesus Christ.

My challenge today is to go out and show someone how much you care.  You can do it however you choose, in the form of a phone call or  a text, you may even have the opportunity to sit down with them.  But whatever you do, SHOW and TELL.


Breathing Life Into Your Conversations

Have you ever wanted to connect with people more effectively? You can. Here is one of the most surprising traits people of influence possess.

They listen.

Sooner or later, you’ll want to have a good conversation with someone. It may be a romantic interest, or a spiritual one, maybe even business. Whatever your situation, here is some great advice….shut up!

I know, not very polite. However, if you’ll learn to listen more and talk less, your influence will soar. Don’t believe me? Try it.

If we’re careful, most of us have the tendency to think we have to be the one doing all of the talking. After all, we love ourselves. As someone said we’re all tuned in to W.I.I F.M, or #whatsinitformefm. However, most people don’t want to talk about you, they want to talk about themselves. It’s just human nature.

So, rather than talking about yourself, listen. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. And don’t listen just to be influential, listen because you really care. When you’re fully present with someone it shows them you care more than the average person. In fact, listening may just be one of the greatest gifts you can ever give someone.

Imagine if it got to the point where you became so familiar with your spouse that you no longer asked them about the details of their day or how they were feeling?  You may care, but if you’re not showing genuine interest in your mate, your actions are saying otherwise.  The same applies to your friends and co-workers, on different levels.

You’ll find you don’t have to be full of wisdom and perfect advice, you simply need the desire to help and be a good friend. Rather than worrying about what you’re going to say next or how you’re going to respond, ask questions….probe deeper. Help the person you’re listening to get to the heart of their matter. Rather than giving advice, ask them what they think they should do based on what they’ve told you.

It’s said that during a time of inner turmoil, Abraham Lincoln went to a friend and poured out his heart. When he was done talking, he got up, feeling much better and went about his business. Meanwhile, his friend had done nothing but sit and listen. That’s what good friends do.

When you become more interested in others, you become more interesting. People will tell their friends and co-workers about you and what a difference you’ve made in their life. Word travels fast.

“Even dunces who keep quiet are thought to be wise; as long as they keep their mouths shut, they’re smart.”  Proverbs 17:28, The Message.

Again, you don’t listen to be manipulative or create fans. You listen because that’s what loving people do. You listen because you love God and He loves the person sitting across from you.  And when you listen, you become more like God.

“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.”  James 1:19, KJV.

Lets face it, God listens more than most of us ever realize. Yes, He’s got a lot to say, but you’d be amazed at how patiently he listens. You can share with him whatever’s on your heart and he’ll listen. You can talk for days, months, years, and he’ll listen.

So then, the last conversation you had. Did you do more talking than listening? Try and remember what the person you were talking with had to say. Try to recall what was on their heart.

While you’re listening, be sure to boil it all down. Just like sap that comes from Maple trees, words and thoughts need to be boiled down to make something sweet. You’re not really listening until you try to understand where your friend is coming from. Don’t just listen to the words, read their body language and facial expressions. Sometimes these two things say more than actual words.

If you’re going to grow in influence, you need to be more of a giver than a taker. One way to do this is to be a better listener.  When you do, your relationships will bloom.  In the words of someone wise, “people become more interested in you when they realize you are more interested in getting something for them rather than from them.”


The Supreme Trait of Maturity


What if changing one thing in your life had the potential to change everything?



The longer I’ve studied people who are impacting the world, I’ve noticed one particular trait over and over again….they always assume the best. No matter what happens, regardless of how others treat them, you name it, they forbear patiently.

The same can’t be said for unsuccessful people. They wear their heart on their sleeve and are the first people to tell you exactly what they think. Everything is fine until you wrong them and then you’d better look out! If you were to check their bread crumb trail, there are a number of people they’ve written off or disassociated with.

What happens is a pattern develops. It doesn’t take long to develop the mindset that people are disposable. After all, if you unfriend someone on Facebook there are a hundred more people to friend. Who needs to put up with people who don’t produce?

Healthy people think otherwise. They love people who have done nothing to merit their love. In the words of a good friend, ‘Mature people live by their commitments, and immature people live by their emotions’. The world is full of people who love people who love them, but what it really needs is more people who love regardless of how others treat them.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. 1 Corinthians 13:4

So how do you rate? What’s your pattern? Either you are constantly loving and forgiving the people around you or you are punishing them or ignoring them for what they’ve done wrong. Going a step further, maybe you smile and act friendly to their face after they wrong you but eventually you write them off and unfriend them. There’s a term for that. In the world of psychology it’s called passive-aggressive behavior. For example, I won’t say anything mean to you, but I will accidentally block you in by parking behind your car.

Or I may not like your post, although it’s actually great material and highly useful. After all, you didn’t like my post.

Or I may like your post just to show you that I’m not jealous or envious, though I really am.

All fun aside, something begins to happen when you start repeatedly giving people the benefit of the doubt. Something happens in your heart. You begin to grow up. And when you begin to grow up, people begin to take notice. People begin to trust you with their hearts. They’re more willing to follow your leadership. In a perfect world, they also begin to grow up themselves and begin giving other people the benefit of the doubt.

The psalmist writes, “I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for it’s mother’s milk.  Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.”  Psalm 131:2 NLT.

Most people don’t need another person to tell them how screwed up and unlovely they are. What most people are longing for is someone who loves them warts and all and inspires and encourages them. That’s not to say there’s no such thing as sin. There is and a true friend is willing to do the hard work of rebuking when necessary. The bible says “Open rebuke is better than secret love.” But the bible also says “Love covers a multitude of sins.” If you were truly honest, you might have to admit you’ve got the rebuke part down but the covering needs some work.

If you’ve developed the pattern of writing people off, maybe it’s time to change. You might think it’s no big deal, but it is. It’s affecting you more than you know. You’re hurting yourself and a lot of other people you love. Here are nine words to help get started. “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Will you forgive me?”


Why Your Routines and Good Habits Can Have Harmful Effects

What if good habits, strategies, or goals are keeping you from living your best life?



Lets back up. Congratulations! You’re moving forward and making good choices and improvements in your life. The world needs more people like you. You aren’t happy with the status quo. You’re convinced life has more for you. Great choice!

So lets talk about your thing. You know, the thing you’re always talking about these days.. The thing you think about most of your waking moments. It may be the work out routine you’re always posting about, or your diet, or the new kitchen project. You know what I’m talking about. This thing you’ve been working on.

Sooner or later, you’re going to find yourself saying “I’d love to, but I HAVE to…do my thing. Here is where you fill in the blank. Maybe it’s your morning devotions, or prayer, or your workout routine, or your project. Whatever it may be, the minute you find yourself saying that, there should be red flags popping up everywhere. Something is missing.

At this point, you may be thinking ‘What’s the big deal?”. The things I’m doing are good. These are healthy choices. I’m improving. Everything’s looking up.

Plain and simple, life is about more than your thing. If you’re not careful, your thing can become a substitute for the thing you really wanted when you first started out.

If it was a health routine, you were looking to feel better. Chances are if you’ve stuck with that routine for any amount of time, it’s working. Great. However, if your routine has become something you HAVE to do, then there’s a problem. It won’t be long and you’ll no longer WANT to do what you HAVE to do. What was once an opportunity has become a necessity.

It’s amazing how subtle this can all be. Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing if it’s something you have to do.

So lets look at how that might apply to a marriage. Years ago you were thrilled to have the opportunity to spend the rest of your life with your significant other. For about the first six months you were in Hormone Heaven! Then something happened. What was once a joy became an obligation. You had to be home at a certain time. You had to be faithful. You had to dump the garbage or else….Before long, you slipped from a freeing relationship to a legal contract. Your marriage should be a great source of joy in your life.

The good news is that when you notice something is missing in your new routine or habit, or relationship, it’s an opportunity to investigate and see what’s lacking. Again, routines and healthy habits can be wonderful things but when they become ‘The Thing’, there’s a problem. Which leads us up to what the Real Thing is….God. Except he’s not a thing, but a person. In fact, he may let your thing be a source of happiness and pleasure for quite sometime. But eventually, when the new car smell begins to fade you’ll be reminded of the true source of everything good in your life. James says: “So my good friends, don’t get thrown off course.  Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven.  The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.” James 1:17 The Message.

Practically, here are a couple of thoughts on getting beyond your thing. First, take a deep breath. You’re not the first person this has happened to. Second, tell your Heavenly Father. Tell him specifically what’s happened. How you meant well, but feel like you’ve made a mess of things. Three, wait. Hard thing to do, right? But just because you’ve stopped doesn’t mean there won’t be fall-out for awhile. Fourth, learn. That’s what life is all about. When you stop learning, you start dying. Ask God what you can do to make the most of this moment. Ask him what he’s trying to teach you.

Finally, praise him! You’ve been set free to love and live in a whole new way. Use the lesson you’ve learned to be a constant reminder of your continual dependence on a Father who truly loves and cares for you.

You May Have More Influence Than You Think

3 Ways People Approach Life

A good friend of mine once said “as leaders we can be translucent without being transparent.  While we may not be transparent and share all of the details in our life, we can be translucent.  Things that are translucent blur images, but let the light through.”  Strong leaders may not share all of their problems in detail, but they are wise to share them.  However, if you’re going to be more influential, you need to share more than just your problems.


I’ve got problems.  Boy, do I have problems.  As a pastor there are never enough volunteers or resources.  What a difference it would make if people who don’t give would just give $25.00 a week or sign up to volunteer for a service or two a month.

Not only do I have problems, there are goals not being met.  It’s frustrating to talk about goals until you’re blue in the face and watch people drift meaninglessly when their lives could be changed by setting a simple goal and working toward it.

Then there are missed opportunities.  Right now, our church has a small window of opportunity to become a vibrant spiritual destination in our community.  Again, there are opportunities being missed, daily, to write checks and jump onboard for change and transformation.

Before I go any farther, please understand I am not complaining!  These are just facts.  Now lets talk about the relevance of these facts and how you can leverage your influence.

It’s been said people have three approaches to life.  85% of all people are problem solvers.  The reason they are problem solvers is because in most cases they do not set goals or seize opportunities. That’s not knocking problem solvers!  They make the world go ’round.  Thank God for them!

The second group of people, 10 percent, set goals.  They are organized and think in terms of the long-range.  Not only do they set goals, they work methodically toward achieving them.  They are somewhat rare in that they are able to stick with their plan and follow through.  The results can be amazing.

Then there are opportunists.  These are the 5% of all people who are constantly on the look out for rare opportunities.  Opportunists are just as rare as the opportunities they seek!  They may solve problems and they may set goals, but primarily they look for things many other people overlook.  These are people like the scientist who recently raised funds, built equipment and got a crew together to look for a ship filled with sunken treasure.  It took two years, but they found hundreds of millions of dollars in gold!  Google it if you want the details.  Opportunists appear to be fools in the eyes of most people.

So how do you increase your influence.

First, as a leader, don’t be afraid to share your problems, goals and opportunities with those you lead.  Some of the best leaders do this and they have tremendous influence.  Not sharing these pressing concerns is truly foolish.  How can people help you if they don’t know there’s a need?  Influential leaders don’t get their needs met by keeping them to themselves.  They share them and give people the chance to help meet them.  They understand that most people want to do the right thing and be of help.  Remember, 85% of all people are problem solvers.  So next time you pitch your agenda, the first group of people you want to address is problem solvers.  Begin by saying something like, “This is the problem we’re facing….can any of you help me out?

Next, remember those who set goals.  This is generally about 10 percent of your audience.  So while you might want to take more time addressing your situation as a problem, don’t forget their are goal-setters out there.  Think about some goals you could present that will help solve your problem and present them.  Maybe you’ll say something like.  “Our goal is to….”  You get the idea.

Finally, don’t forget the opportunists.  They’ve been snoring while you’ve talked about your problems and goals but the minute they hear the word opportunity, they’ll lean forward in their seats and there ears will perk up.  Share the opportunity clearly.  Help them to understand why it’s important to seize it.

So the next time someone, anyone, asks you how things are going, be truthful.  Tell them about your problems, goals and opportunities and watch your influence soar.  Most people want to be a part of something greater than themselves and when you keep everything to yourself as a leader, you rob them of opportunities to play a vital role.

If you’re looking to help your leader out, don’t be afraid to ask him or her how you can help.  They won’t be mad, they’ll be glad!  Chances are they’ve been waiting for you to help out.  In most cases, they’re half-wondering if you really care.  Take the first step.  Show them you care.  Volunteer.  Help out.  You’ll be amazed what happens when you do.  We all have influence.  The difference is we don’t all have opportunities to spend time with people who have more than we do.  So if you want to be more influential, spend time with people who are more influential than you are and watch your influence soar!


Poetry And Plumbing

Making sense of art and craft

Meet Stewart.  Stewart is 42 years old and decided it was time to come to church.  The first couple of weeks he is excited.  The pastor shares messages that encourage and equip him to get through the week.  He makes some new friends.  Life gets better.  Then his wife dies and he loses his job all in the same week.  As quickly as he came through the front door, Stewart is gone.  Sound familiar?


As a pastor, it’s often saddening to see how many people start out running in the right direction and stop.  It’s especially discouraging when you see them beginning to make progress.  But while the pattern is difficult to understand, it’s not so difficult to recognize.  In every case, there’s a lack of persistence.

Lets have some fun and use poetry and plumbing as metaphors for a flourishing life.  Pipes make it possible for water to move from point A to point B.  They are everywhere; in our homes, our cars, in the ground, even in us- miles and miles and miles of them, making life as we know it, possible.  If I asked, you would agree pipes are important.  They are an engineering marvel, yet so commonplace that we take them for granted.

While you may agree pipes are important, you may not feel the same about a good poem.  But did it ever occur to you that people who love poetry feel the same way you do about pipes?  They’d be quite happy living off the grid with no running water, with only their poems to keep them happy.  Hot water?  Who needs it when you have Robert Frost?

Then there are the Plumber/Poets.  These people love both plumbing and poetry.  Their lives are a combination of practicality and possibility.

Now imagine what happens when a Plumber and a Poet live together.  The Plumber comes home after plumbing all day.  Lets call him Stewart, for fun.  All day long he’s been working under a timeline.  His job is important.  It has to be performed accurately.  The water has to flow freely from point A to point B.  There can be no leaks or breaks.  On his arrival at home (Stewart even thinks of his travel in technical terms), Penelope- his wife- runs to meet him.  She’s excited to show him the poem she’s been writing all day and talk about the books she read.  Are you with me?

Staying with our metaphor, the reason people don’t persist is because they fail to see value in both plumbing and poetry.  The bible is packed full with both plumbing and poetry.  Plumbing wise, there are loads upon loads of principles and applications just waiting to be piped into your life.  Gushers, drips, and trickles, filled with life-giving properties and possibility.  Poetry wise, there are things in there which contain no connection between point A and B.  They just are.  Mysteries.  Yet so beautiful and profound they add rather than take away.  The book would be far less majestic without them.  They stand on top of the walls and sing like piercing trumpets and warble in other places as the strings of a harp under cunning fingers.  Their notes are unintelligible but they resonate with your heart.  They make perfect sense in God’s economy but are hard for us to fathom because of our humanity.

“Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?  She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.  She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors” Proverbs 8:1-2.

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25).

Drilling down deeper into this metaphor (keep listening to the trumpets and harps as well as the tightening of pipes in the background) plumbing and poetry can be taken to extremes.  That’s probably what causes most of the melt downs in our marriages, friendships, pursuits and hobbies; in our churches and jobs.  It’s so easy to get running hard in one direction plumbing and being practical and checking for leaks.  Meanwhile, life loses its meaning and beauty and profundity.  You get so focused on your work that you tune out from the live-stream.

Or, you get so in tuned with the poetry of what’s streaming out of your speakers that you fail to stick with the craft; the mundane; the details, or plumbing; the connections that have to be made for life to move from point A to point B.  The oil changes, the annual physical, regular church attendance, exercise- the list goes on and on.

Water can’t flow through a broken pipe.  What if you looked at life is a matter of poetry AND plumbing?

Right now, there may be some broken pipes in your life and you’ve got a choice.  Ignore the problem and hope everything is going to be alright or be ready to look for a new place to live when the basement gets flooded.

By now I hope and pray you’re coming alive to the grandiosity of a world filled with both plumbing and poetry.  While you may never whistle while you work, I hope you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for those who do….the artists, preachers, poets and lovers who make the world a nicer place to live.  Life is art and craft.

Remember Stewart?  He changed his mind and decided to stay on course.  His life isn’t perfect, but he’s making progress.  It’s been two years and he’s still mourning the loss of his wife.  In the meantime, he’s learning that God loves him, especially because of his faults not in spite of them.  That doesn’t mean he’s not willing or wanting to change.  He is.  But while he’s doing so, he’s also aware of and basking in a love beyond his wildest dreams!


One Thing You Should Do No Matter Where You Are

The Future Is Now

I hate running. There, said it. Feel much better now. But I do it anyway because I like the rewards. So lets talk about something you can do no matter where you are, especially when there are other places you’d rather be.


While running, it’s so easy to look forward to the finish line. You just want it to be over, so that you can rest. Unless of course you’re sadistic. But what if you just focused on the next step, not the finish line. Rather than looking down the road to the end, just focus on running.  One step at a time.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have goals or dreams. Those aren’t bad things. It’s easy to miss out on all of the beautiful things in life when you’re overly focused on the destination.

Rather than thinking about how much work your relationship needs, why don’t you take a moment to just celebrate the milestone you’re at right now- difficulties and all.

Instead of worrying about how your meeting is going to go tomorrow, take a few moments to better prepare today.

Maybe the pain you’re experiencing right now is confirmation you are heading in the right direction.

Instead of thinking about how much fun you’re going to have on Saturday, why don’t you be joyful today, right where you are?

The ironic thing is that people who emphasize the beauty of the destination are least inclined to make the world a better place here and now. The journey is just a means to the end.  When they reach their destination they hurriedly strike out for the next one.

Life becomes something you chase.  Everything you do is just to make it to the next level.  You trade happiness today for success tomorrow….wash, rinse and repeat.  For some, death is the ultimate finish line.  Life on earth is garbage, but when you die, everything is going to be better. Why wallpaper the living room if it’s only going to be burned eventually?

Jesus, on the other hand said he came so that we could have an abundant life (John 10:10). Yes, there are challenges, but with the overcoming of each one, there is joy and fulfillment, and so much more. If there were not challenge, there’d be no satisfaction.

What about Cancer? Well, what about Cancer? You tell me. Some of the happiest people I’ve ever met were those who had an increased appreciation for life because of their illness or loss. That’s not just a rosy glasses philosophy, that’s reality.

Wherever you are, be all there!

No matter what you’re going through, you’re the first one to experience this planet in this particular way. Nobody’s ever been the parent to your fourteen year old daughter before, including you. You’re the first one to live exactly the way you’re living right now. You’re unique. Nobody has ever experienced the world quite the way you’re experiencing it at this very moment!

The past is past and the future doesn’t exist. The only thing you have is the present. It’s a gift, so where ever you are, be all there! Each day you receive twenty four golden hours to spend as you choose and you can’t save them or get them back again. Each one must be cashed in on a moment by moment basis.

Most of the time, rehashing your past can lead to regrets and focusing on the future can lead to worry. It’s not that you shouldn’t plan for the future. You should. The point is you don’t need to worry about the future. In fact, Jesus commands us not to!  “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers-most of which are never seen- don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?  What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving” (Matthew 6:30 The Message).  “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself” (Matt. 6:34 KJV).

As I type, Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton is playing on the radio. When my wife and I met over twenty years ago, I used to play it for her on my guitar. How cool is that? Right now, I have nothing to do but enjoy this moment and feel wonderful. How about you? What’s one thing you can do right now, no matter where you are? Be all there!

Thank You!

Two Powerful Words

Have you ever felt unthankful?  Before you read any further, I want to thank you!  Thank you for checking out this site from time to time.  Thank you for your words of encouragement and feedback.  Your friendship and kindness are greatly appreciated.  The time you set aside to read these posts means a lot to me.  I treasure you.  You matter.  You are loved.


However, time can play some pretty funny tricks on you.  It’s always fun to start out on the Yellow Brick Road, but then something begins to change.  What was once a source of joy and gratitude can become a burden.  You want children and then they become teenagers.  You love your new car, but then notice some rust one day while washing it.  You wanted the new job but now it’s become a source of frustration and there’s never enough left over at the end of the month.  So what’s really happened?

Lets face it, our zeal for life and all things new can deteriorate quickly.  It just seems to come with the territory.  Worse yet, the problem only compounds the more we carry out our inventory.  Not only do our cars rust, but so do our relationships, our finances, our devotion, our physical fitness.  It’s especially painful to watch our loved ones struggle.  Our aging parents and pets are daily reminders that things are changing.

If you’re going to safely navigate hardships and change in life, you’re also going to have to change your attitude.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 says this, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”  This verse wouldn’t be so difficult if it weren’t for the word all.  But notice it doesn’t say be thankful for all things.  What it says is be thankful in all things.  No matter what happens.  No matter how you hurt.  No matter what the weather forecast is or the state of the stock market, unthankfulness is never an option.

In fact, mature people are thankful people.  Not thankful for what happens to them, but thankful regardless of what happens.  The point is, no matter what happens, we all still have something to be thankful for.  If you lose a limb, but you’re still alive, you’re still in the game.  If you’ve gone through a divorce and you still have a place to live, you have something to be thankful for.  If the stock market crashes and you still have something to eat, you have something to be thankful for.  If your church splits tomorrow and you still have a family, you have something to be thankful for.  You get the idea.  An attitude of gratitude helps you find the gold in the ashes.

A greater appreciation begins with an appreciation of what you have, not what your going to get.

A greater appreciation begins with an appreciation of who you are, not who you’re going to be.

A greater appreciation begins with an appreciation of who you know, not who you’re going to meet.

A greater appreciation begins with an appreciation of what you have left, not what you’ve lost.

No, thankfulness does not ensure an easier course, but it does provide a smoother ride.  Why not take a few minutes to thank God this morning.  Thank him for Jesus.  Thank him for your family.  Thank him for your shirt….Take a pen and paper and write down 10, 20, 30, or 100 things you’re thankful for.  Trust me, the expression ‘thank you’ is packed with two powerful words!  What are some of the things you’re thankful for?