What if you Changed your Definition of Rejection? (Thoughts after a Missed Coaching Call)

1. Nobody loves feeling rejected.
2. Despite your best efforts there will be times when you are tempted to feel rejected.
3. So what do you do? The feeling of rejection is painful and bound to arise.
4. You can plan ahead.
5. You can change your inner stance.
6. Rejection is only INFORMATION in disguise…valuable information. It reveals nothing about the receiver, only the sender.
7. It’s not even rejection, it’s just highly useful intelligence.
8. This Golden Information gets handled differently in every situation, just as pieces of mail do.
9. It allows you to focus more on what matters. It doesn’t devalue you, it makes YOU more valuable.
10. It allows you to change your approach or strike out into promising territory.
11. Unlike rejection, information sets you free to soar with the Eagles. It releases you like a great song.
12. You are no longer chained to what used to be a need.
13. You’re able to withdraw from the need to please others and be well-liked.
14. It puts you in an elite club with other healthy leaders.
15. Congratulations! Welcome to the Information Club.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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