What To Do When You Feel Like You’re Losing Your Way

Find This And You Find Your Way

In the pursuit of keeping our commitments, it’s sometimes easy to lose our way.

At times, I’ve wondered why I put in so many hours.  I’ve wondered if fulfilling my pastoral duties is really worth it. I’ve gone through difficult seasons as a Dad and felt like throwing in the towel (If you have teenagers you know what I mean ☺).

Maybe right now you’re feeling the same way.

Part of the problem is that we live in a society that promises ease.  Somewhere along the way we believed the lie that more money would make life easier.  Or we believed that if we were promoted, life would become easier. The truth is that life is not easy.

Here’s something that helps me, when I feel like I’m losing my way.

I’ll start by giving some examples.  I put in long hours, because I believe it develops character and contributes to my own well-being and my family’s.  People who tell you there are more important things than money are the same people who can’t find any when they need it.  The truth is that the cost of living is expensive and gets higher every year. Money is NOT the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evil. 1 Tim. 6:10.

The reason I continue to pursue my calling is just that.  It’s a calling. In my most stressful moments, I’ve wanted to ditch it and flee never to be seen again.  But despite the stress, it’s what I feel God has called me to do. Truth be told, I cannot imagine life any other way, despite how painful the life of a pastor can be.  God’s grace is sufficient. My own calling occurred while a pastor was preaching on 1 Samuel 3:2-5.

When it comes to parenting, when I reflect, I’m reminded that I once dreamed of being a Dad.  Not just once but three times. The thought of doing life with my wife and kids was once a distant dream that filled every waking moment.  Plus, my children are a gift! Psalm 127:3

The truth is that we lose our way when we lose our why.  

So if you feel like you’re losing your way, chances are you’ve lost your why.

What’s going to help you get back on track.


When we lose our way, we have to take the time to remember why we decided to do what we’re doing.

Maybe it’s a building project.  The thought of new real estate space was exciting.  But now, half-way through the building process you’re reconsidering.

Maybe it’s your job.  You once loved your job, but now that your fifteen years through a thirty year career, your second guessing all the years of hard work.

Perhaps it’s school.  You wanted to grow and improve your finances, but now that you’re a few semesters in and a few thousand dollars poorer, a life of ease is looking awfully attractive.

Proverbs 4:23 explains the importance of examining our motives so that we can stay on course.  Our course is only as pure as our motives. When our motives are pure, the path is clear. When they’re not, we wander off the path.

Many of us set out with good intentions and clear direction, only to experience difficulties and clouded judgement.  Ultimately, nobody is going to help us achieve our own success. It’s up to us. It’s a matter of personal choice. Chances are that when we feel like abandoning ship, we’ve forgotten our why.  

When your why is clear, so is the way.

What is your ‘WHY?’.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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