All We Have

From the Pastor's Heart

It’s a fearful time for many right now.  Many might include you.  Covid-19 is here.  It’s real.  There’s no doubting its impact.  However, one of these days for most of us it will be but a distant memory.  In the meantime, there’s something we can all do.  We can embrace the moment.

“I can see the future is less and less there, and the past has vanished in the air.  -Trey Anastasio / Light lyrics

The moment is not just a Zen thing.  Jesus said, “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.  Is not the life more than the meat, and the body than raiment? Matthew 6:25”  Jesus’ point?  It’s not that we shouldn’t plan or think about tomorrow.  We should do both these things.  However, when he says we should take no thought, he is saying don’t worry.  Don’t overthink it.  Don’t obsess.  Focus on the present.  Does that sound like you?

Jesus goes on to talk about how beautiful birds and flowers are.  It’s almost as though he’s saying take time to smell the flowers.  Look how much God cares for them and takes care of them.  If he cares so much for them, doesn’t it make sense that he cares for you!  Right now.  At this moment.  What are you worried about.  The message reads, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.  God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes” (Matthew 6:34).

This reminds me of a story a pastor once told.  A woman was once flying on a plane and the pastor noticed she was very nervous and anxious.  The flight was smooth and there were no delays yet the woman would not settle down.  Finally, she asked the pastor to pray for dying grace.  “Dying grace?”, the pastor replied.  “Lady, what you need is flying grace!”.  This story sums up what many people right now.  Rather than focusing on what might possibly happen, we need to focus on our current reality.

What if rather than worrying about what is going to happen or how bad your current situation is, you reflected on all the good that is happening right now?  I bet you could come up with quite a list!  In fact, I’m willing to guess you are healthy (otherwise I doubt you’d be reading this).  You may even still be working and have food and shelter.  Chances are your family is healthy.  That makes quite a good list, wouldn’t you say?

Here’s an example of not living in the moment.  Work.  That’s right.  Sometimes you’re at work and your mind is on everything else rather than the task at hand.  Instead, you are just waiting for the magic hour to come so that you can vacate your job and have fun.  What if you embraced the time at hand as the magic hour?

Sadly, I know this from experience.  I look at things a whole lot differently than I did when I was younger.  I used to frown and fret when the future seemed scary and there were a whole lot of things about the past that I wanted to change.  Time and experience changed most of that.  I like what the Apostle Paul wrote, “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11).  That doesn’t mean I have arrived.

Paul also told his young protégé Timothy, “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6).

What if looking at this crisis as an obstacle, you decided to focus on it as an opportunity?

“Leaders focus on the opportunity, not the obstacle.” -Cory MacNeil

For example, take for instance the Stock Market.  Three weeks before this current market plunge, I upped my retirement contribution by 5%!  But guess what?  I’m not going to change it back.  It’s not the time to cut bait and run.  It’s time to fish!  I’m far from a financial wizard but I do have enough sense to know that the money we put aside will buy much more and will inflate over time.  The stock market has gained historically over time.  It’s a proven fact.  Yet I have talked to many people who are pulling the plug on their 401k or reducing or eliminating their contribution.  Yes, that seems logical based on the current performance.  However, when Dave Ramsey says to stick with it and that is the consensus of people who know more about this subject, it makes perfect sense to heed their advice.

Now, is not the time to flake out or jump ship!

“Now is the time to embrace the Now!”- Cory MacNeil

Do you know what the Prophet Jeremiah told Israel when they were taken captive for 70 years?  “Jeremiah sent a letter to Babylon, predicting that our captivity will be a long one.  He said, ‘Build homes, and plan to stay.  Plant gardens and eat the food they produce” (Jeremiah 29:28).  To reiterate, he told them to bloom where they were planted.

The same is true of us.  God doesn’t want us to be anxious at this moment in history.  Careful? Yes.  Thoughtful?  Absolutely!  But not worried.  Not stressed.  Not vengeful or regretful.  He wants to connect with us.  To meet our needs.  To teach us that he is capable of providing our every need.  “God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).  Not tomorrow.  Not after the Corona virus is gone.  Now!  At this moment.  As we speak.  Right where you are.  Are you with me?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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