How To Play A Major Role In History

Harnessing the Power of Growth

Do you want to play a major role in history or a minor one?

Once upon a time in a town nearby lived a man who had an inexpensive hobby.  He loved to sit on the towering stone wall that surrounded the city.

One day while sitting and watching the world go by, he nodded off and fell off the wall.

The paramedics rushed to the scene and took him to the best hospital in town where the finest doctors worked around the clock to help him.

When the man finally left the hospital, something amazing happened.  He took his life savings and had a fine home built on top of the wall and lived happily ever after.

The man’s name was Humpty Dumpty.

I hope you had as much fun as I did re-imagining Humpty’s story.

The fact is that the one who changes the most in any story is the major character.  The paramedics aren’t the major characters in the story.  Neither are the fine Dr.’s.  The main character is Humpty Dumpty.  Why?  He changes the most.

If you want to play a major role in history, you have to be the one who changes the most.

Like our friend Humpty, Adam and Eve began life completely whole in the garden of Eden.  They had everything they needed, including an intimate relationship with God.  But then they had a Fall of their own.

Everything changed at the moment in time.  And they knew it.  In fact, they were so horrified with fear that they hid from God.

Long story short, God forgave them and a radical change occurred.  Whereas they died spiritually because of their disobedience, God forgave them and transformed them with new life!

Remember, the main character is the one who changes the most throughout the story.

The good news is that wherever you our in your story line, you can change!

The truth is everybody is inspired by people who change dramatically for the good.

The first vital step we need to take if we want to play a major role in history is to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is who he says he is.  Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6).

Jesus was the greatest man who will ever live.  Why?  Because he grew the most.  That may sound hard to believe, but it’s true.  Speaking of Jesus, Luke wrote, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:40) Holman Christian Standard Bible.

Like Jesus, God wants us to grow in four particular areas.

  1. He expects us to grow mentally.
  2. He expects us to grow physically.
  3. He expects us to grow in our relationship with Him.
  4. He expects us to grow in our relationship with others.

As a pastor, I frequently encounter people who grow in one of these areas and neglect the others.  For example, they exercise and diet and lose fifty pounds, but neglect their physical, spiritual and social growth.  Or they focus on growing mentally and neglect their physical, spiritual and social growth.

A trim waistline and advanced degrees are wonderful, but we should never pursue them without putting ourselves in position to grow spiritually and socially.

In the last few years I’ve come to enjoy and appreciate daily vitamins.  I don’t care what the research says, it’s incredible that we can get our necessary daily requirements in one single pill.  But as incredible as vitamins are, our bodies require more if we want to live.

Church is like a vitamin.  God never designed it to be like a pill that we take once a week and thrive.  Yes it plays a vital role and yes we should make it a priority, but if we neglect our souls all week and think a weekly dosage of church is going to fix everything, we’re wrong.

We are not just physical bodies with a spirit, we are spiritual beings with a body.

As you look at the four areas of growth, is there any particular area that glares back at you.  An area where you could use some growth?

Here’s a short perscription to get your wheels turning.Are you connecting with God and other Christians throughout the week?

To grow mentally.  Reading, Write and Relfect.  Read.  Read about the particular area you are struggling with.  Read books that address your particular need for mental growth.  Reflect on what you read.  Reflect on your life.  Examine negative thoughts and unproductive patterns and replace them with new and better ones.  Write.  Record the things you are learning.  Writing things down makes them concrete.  Until you do, they are just abstract ideas floating around in your mind…

To grow physically.  Determine one step you can take to get healthier.  Burn more calories than you consume.  Walk.  Replace soda with water.  Go to bed earlier.  Find a work out partner…

To grow in your relationship with God.  Find a church where Jesus is the center point of attention.  Get around people who love God and each other.  Determine to learn God’s plan for your life.  Talk with God daily and let him speak as you read your bible.  Acknowledge your sins and ask him to forgive you.  Serve others- when you do, you serve Him!…

To grow socially.  Read ‘How to Win Friends and Influence Others’- it’s essentially an exposition of the Golden Rule and will provide you with a sound way to love and be loved.  Treat other people the way you would want to be treated if you were in their situation.  Calendar times when you will intentionally seek the welfare of others.  Share the gospel with friends and loved ones early-on your relationship…

Remember, the one who changes the most throughout a story is the main character.  Imagine the joy you’ll experience when people begin to comment on how much you’ve grown the next time you see them.  Imagine the contentment you’ll experience when at the end of your life you’ll be able to look back on the people whose lives have been changed because you changed.  Imagine the future generations that stand to be impacted if you begin by taking just one small step today.  Bam!!!



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